I tolerate curiosity

Monday, December 31

2012: Beyond Blessed

So, It's gonna be 2013 in just less than 4 hours. Well, at least in our timezone it is. And looking back through what my year has been, there's only one word that best describes it - STRESSFUL. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that this has been a bad year, it's just that this has been quite a year. I felt that I've face the most challenges and have been pushed to my limit so many times this past year. I remember the times I kept saying I couldn't go on, I don't want to or I'm just tired of everything. (Btw, I'm sorry if I complained or ranted to you whenever I get worked up about something.We need to let off some steam sometimes, right? lol.) However, despite this year being so stressful, I felt that I've grown more this year than in any other years of my life combined. Or hey, maybe that's just because I grew older. Haha. Seriously, through all those challenges and tough times that I had to face, I know I learned at least one or two that made me stronger and wiser. I guess experience really is the best teacher. With all the ups and downs that I've encountered, this has been one crazy year that I am very thankful for. I have met new people, been to new places, had a lot of new experiences, and gained so many memories that I can always look back as a reminder of how this year, my life has changed and will never be the same again. And I owe it all to Him. His plans are way better than ours and everything happens in His perfect time. I am beyond blessed.

Just so you know, I had some good times too - a lot of it. And I just want to share it to everyone and let you know that I am very much thankful for being part of my 2012. So, here's a little something I patched up that contains some of the best moments I had the past year. Looking forward to more adventures this 2013 and hoping you'll still be part of it! :)

Happy New Year! :)


Tuesday, December 25

Merry Christmas!

It's really the most wonderful time of the year. Aside from all the presents, the food and the festivities for the occassion, let us not forget the real reason of this season - the birth of Jesus Christ.

Before the clock struck twelve, me and my family attended the Christmas Eve mass or the Misa de Gallo. And the homily of the priest was quite enlightening. You know the story of how Jesus was born. I'm sure you've heard it a thousand times or else you wouldn't be celebrating today. But what the priest explained in his homily was something I've never heard before nor realized until last night.

He explained that Jesus being born in a manger is not just any coincidence. Aside from it (the situation) being related to the humility of our King, the priest explained that what it meant for Jesus to be born in a manger. As a manger is a part of a barn where the horses and the cattle eat, when Mary gave birth, the manger now symbolizes that Jesus was the food for our soul, our spirituality. Just as the animals go and eat the food in the manger when they are hungry, we, too, shall come to Jesus when we thirst for love. It should come naturally that we go to Him in times of need, when we do not have enough strength to overcome any difficult situations, when we feel isolated and alone, when we don't believe we are good enough, in times of despair and suffering, it is always been our nature to come back to Him to give us all that we need - His love. And through Him we can do anything.

Amazing just how one night could really make us forget every problems we have and just feel His spirit and presence on the night His child was born. Let us celebrate this occasion thanking our mighty Creator for bringing us His beloved son, Jesus, through the Blessed Virgin Mary, and giving us his salvation. Without them, we wouldn't be celebrating anything today.

Have a very merry Christmas! Happy birthday, Jesus!


Wednesday, December 5

Birthday weekend!

It's been quite a while since I've manage to be consistent with my blog. But it feels great to be able to write off my thoughts again. And like what they say, all blessings are to be shared. So I've been writing down my insights and realizations whenever and I felt good after writing it. It releases some of the emotions I'm currently having. Thankfully, it's mostly good vibes and some blessings that I've experienced. Unlike when I was younger where all I wrote was sad and emo quotes and depressing stuff. LOL to my emo phase. Haha. Now I've found something worth posting. And I hope this can help other people feel inspired or feel motivated. It's one of the things that I wanted my blog to be. And hopefully, it will help you with your relationship with Him too. It might be too "religious" or "spiritual" but I'll try to post something else that's worthy of my cyber space.

So to start it off, let me share what happened to my weekend - My Birthday Weekend. :))

Since it was a holiday last Friday, I started my birthday weekend early and celebrated it with some friends from the campus team of CFC YFL. Treated them at Yellow Cab for dinner, then we watched the movie Pay It Forward, then hung out at CBTL until 3 in the morning. It was way late but hey, it's my birthday weekend! lol.

Then to make it up to my parents, I stayed home last Friday and cleaned up my room. As I was cleaning our shelves, I noticed all the old magazines, books and other stuffs from way back, some are even more than 10 years old! :)) I'm still thinking of whether I shall throw away, donate or sell my old books and magazines. Help me decide, please? :)


Since I had work last Saturday til lunch, I celebrated with my Clingy Clique at Sunrise Buckets. One thing we do for fun: EATING. We exterminated 5 pounds of chicken, some burgers, nachos and fries. And my money, boom! :)) After that we went to Eastwood supposedly to watch Silent Hill, however, knowing what's more fun, we ate once again. Allen had unli cakes and coffee even! Then we went to our friend Josh's birthday bash and guess what, we ate another plate and now with lechon! Wild!

Then last Sunday, there was this big mass at church where my parents were wearing costumes. We ate at the mini celebration afterwards where we got another round of lechon and other stuff. We went to Greenhills to shop for a bit, then had dinner and bought me a cake - could not not have one! And I chose one of my favorites, Conti's Mango Bravo. YUM! Then they dropped me off the salon for a birthday treat. Had a free hair spa and a mani-pedi for free! It's a bit weird to see my hair straightened too. Haha.

On Monday, since we don't have much time, my workmates and I settled for a quick lunch at Mega. Then came back to work right away.

It was indeed a fun weekend and turning 22 doesn't seem so bad, except with all the eating. LOL. So here's to hoping it will be good all throughout. :)


Friday, November 30

Pay it forward

Last night, me and my friends watched a movie called "Pay It Forward" starring Haley Joel Osment, Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt. It's an old movie, I know, but it's something that we can apply even in this day and age.

It's about a 7th-grader named Trevor (Osment), who was given an assignment by his new social studies teacher Mr. Simmonet (Spacey) to think of an idea that could actually change the world. For most of the kids, it seemed just like any other home works, hypothetical and just that - an idea. While for Trevor, he took it seriously and planned out a very inspiring idea - PAYING IT FORWARD.

Paying it forward means that you do some favor to three people who really need it. You do something good for them without expecting anything in return but for them to pay it forward to three more people each. It's like how the networking or pyramid-ing business works. Until more and more people are paid and they do good to others again and again.

And as said earlier in the movie, it this world where everything was crap, it was such a utopian idea that's impossible to happen. But Trevor proved it wrong when he helped three people: Jerry, a stranger he picked up who used to be an addict, Arlene (Hunt), his mom who has an alcohol problem, and his teacher, Mr. Simmonet. And when he did, little did he know what from his simple idea became such a movement that inspired so many people and made a great difference in their lives.

Yes, it seemed so easy to say that we can help other people and do good. But when we try to actually do it, it's like there's always something that's pulling us back to do it. Be it fear, doubt or anything, it's those important things that we seem to hold back from. We do everything but that which, who knows, might actually be the push that other people are waiting for for them to change their lives. That one moment which will move them to turn 180 degrees for the better.

Wouldn't that be an amazing feeling? To be able to change someone's life whether you are close to them or not. With just one action, you have actually changed someone's future. It's quite a pressure, but don't feel the need to be. Just do it, whether it may or may not end in the way you wanted it to, or they might not even be grateful for what you did, at least you did it anyway.

I don't want to spoil the movie for those who haven't watch it yet, and that's to encourage you as well to take a moment and watch this inspiring story. If a young boy can change the world, what more if we, too, try? Three words: Pay. It. Forward. :)


Thursday, November 29


It is stressful to be responsible all the time, especially if you have got a lot of responsibilities on your hand. It really drains you out. Sometimes you'd just want to go away from all of it for a moment, take a time off and pull yourself back together. It's so stressful that it takes the life out of you, but that's how it's meant to be. Responsibilities came to be, in my opinion, to give priority over important things that has an immediate and big effect on those that are depending on it. So much for pressure, right?

Let's admit it, it's hard to take responsibilities, all the more to be responsible about it. I just wonder why some people don't find it a bit important to see to it that they do their responsibilities? How they could just slack off and let other people do the work for them? And how lucky these people are because there are some who are responsible enough to not let other people's irresponsibility affect everyone else, thus taking in their responsibility as their own.

A conversation with a friend got me thinking, why can't the world really be equal? Why can't people treat each other in an equal standing as themselves? Must there always be superiority and inferiority, aside from political and familial hierarchy, in every society?

I know we humans are such complex beings that even if I ask, "Why do people who feel inferior voluntarily submit themselves to someone more superior than them?" or "What right do the people who feel superior act all high and mighty to those who are below their level?", there wouldn't be a concrete answer better than because that's who we are.

I guess I'm just thinking that maybe it's one's superiority/ inferiority is related to how they see and act on the responsibilities given to them. Some who might feel they're better than the others think they could get other people do the work for them because they seem overqualified for such a task and instead leave it be and let others take the responsibility to finish it. Take for example the characters in the movie Bride Wars, or Something Borrowed. Between two best friends, despite them being so close together that they might as well be biologically-related, one is inferior and the other is superior than the other. One gives in to the crazy demands of the other. One takes care of the mess that the other leaves behind. See how the superior one can do whatever she (FYI, the main characters in both the movies are women, thus the pronoun) wants without the care in the world? It's because she knows that someone is there to take the fall and be the responsible one. There will always be that best friend who is forever disciplined, so much that she can handle being stern for the both of them while the other is carefree.

But just like in the movies, the inferior one bursts out when she's had enough to take care of and fights for her freedom. She realizes her own responsibilities are to be prioritized and that her best friend could start learning to carry her own baggage. It's such an empowering moment that I will always admire. Those who stand up to those who makes them feel inferior, or over those who are so full of themselves thus acting all high and mighty. It makes me feel that justice is served.

It's not that I'm into the egalitarian thing, but at least in the sense of people being equally responsible in their actions and their works, I am. I guess I'm wishing on a shooting star that everyone should be leveled when it comes to their sense of responsibilities. That they should consider first what other people feel or how would their irresponsibility affect others. But then again, we are who we are.


Monday, November 26

A life full of choices and chances

Have you ever done something in the past that you wished you can change? That if given the chance, you'll choose a different path than the present and imagine what could've been? I did, a lot of times actually, but yesterday, I understood that everything really happens for a reason. And that we might not be able to change the past, we can still change our future. God gave us that chance to choose how we do it.

There are some things that I've regretted of doing or not doing. I always thought, if I could go back in time, I'll definitely change what was in the past and even think of what could've been my future, a better future than what I have now. But of course, the past is now only part of our memory and no matter how many times you play it over and over inside your head, it won't change a thing.

As I've written in my previous post, I know we all have sinned and are unworthy of His love. But merciful as He is, He accepts us completely and loves us unconditionally. That no matter what we have done in the past, a bright future full of hope and love await. Yesterday was an affirmation of His greatness for me.

While I was at the South Luzon Youthfest (a big event of our community), God has once again spoke to me which made me really change my perspective. It's not as intense as the last time, but it's as amazing as He is. He really is a God of perfect timing. And only He knows what really is the best for us.

I have been down the wrong path a lot of times, and I have come back to Him after all of those moments and yesterday, while helping at the backstage for the program, I realized that He has given me another chance to excel in what He wants me to do - work behind the scenes. I did, and it was such an amazing experience that I can never forget.

During the first Youthfest, when I was still full of doubts and burdens, I did my part only with the motivation of getting it done and over. I felt so tired and frustrated with everything that's going on and just did the task. Well, you know what happened afterwards. LOL. And it's just so amazing that by attending in another Youthfest, I was able to get a second chance of doing what He wanted me to do, and do it excellently all for Him. Being able to attend was a blessing enough but He trusted me to do it again, now that He has my full attention and I have His love. I did what I could to help Him and the team share His message to other people by presenting it in something I am passionate about. And despite of feeling tired, I actually enjoyed it. He brought out once again my passion for doing what I love.

Yes we can never change our past, what's done is done. We've made so many mistakes and there's a chance that we might do it again in the future. But instead of dwelling in it, we must focus on doing better and surrender it to God. He is a God so full of chances. Not just a second chance, but third, fourth, fifth and so many more. His forgiveness is everlasting just like His love. We must make the most of the chances He gives us and choose the life that He has planned for us. In the end, it's still our decision whether to choose it or not. Better if we do right away, but if we don't, I guess that, too, is part of His great plan. To fall and learn until we learn to trust Him fully and love Him back, and only by then we choose the life He planned for us.


Saturday, November 24

Sometimes, Silence is Your Stand

It's hard to be in a position where you can do nothing but just stay silent about a situation you're involved in. It tears you apart knowing anything you say might 'cause the situation to get worse, and ruin everything. So instead, you stay silent.

And sometimes, it's a good decision to stay where you are, silent, and take it as your stand. It's not a cowardly thing to do nor a selfish stand. It's a wise act that saves everyone from more confusion and misunderstanding especially when the situation is too twisted and complicated that with one wrong move, everything at stake will be lost. It's the right thing to do when you know that it needs time and better understanding of the situation, a well-thought-off way to handle the matter, before finally facing it and say what you think, or feel, is right. And when that time comes, all you have to do is try your best to let your message come across the right way and hope that they will be open enough to see your point. It's no longer in your hand whether or not they will take it to heart and change. All you can do is just pray for them.


Saturday, November 17


So... this was saved in the drafts and wasn't posted. sorry about that. LOL. Read on anyway. :)

I can't seem to sleep even when my eyes are so heavy already. Thus I am writing what I realized tonight after such a whirlwind week.

It's been quite a good week actually. Having started with an amazing realization from God last Sunday, I still struggle to go back to being me again and control myself from doing things I know that are not pleasing to Him. It's hard, but I'm trying, really. And thankfully, I was able to enjoy the week thanks to the campus team, having fun and realizing so many things together was quite a refreshing experience after isolating myself for a while. Although I had to pay for it with the lack of sleep, had an average of 4 hours of sleep a night only. But moments like those are worth the eyebags. LOL.

Fast forward to this day (or should I say yesterday since it's past midnight lol), it became quite stressful with me thinking of a way to fix my schedule for the weekend since I suddenly had to work, I was frustrated as hell when my plan for the weekend was ruined. I was supposed to be free the whole day and can go early to Batangas with the team but since I had to work, I need to get left behind and ride on the next bus. And I'm pretty sure I'll be tired as hell when we get here, with the lack of sleep and all.

Going back, I've been trying to work out a plan of having to go to everything. I decided that I should just let it be and let Him do what He wants me to do and where He wants me to go. And after a stressful day, I had an early out from work and I decided to attend the mass since I kind of forgot to the past few days, which I wanna start doing everyday. I came early for the mass so I stayed, and just prayed. I was able to catch the novena, and then that's where it hit me again.

It says that even if we feel that we are most undeserving to be called His servants, we should not be discouraged but be strong instead. We should take it as our driving force to strive better, to live trying our best to follow His teachings and live out His works. No matter how many times we fail, let us use it as a learning experience and as a way to help share His message. But what happens is that we feel that we do not deserve His love. We'd rather stay in the dark and let the feeling of unworthiness eat us up, which make us do and feel worse. We forget how merciful our God is and how He forgives us as long as we surrender ourselves to Him.

It is just human nature to feel that way but upon accepting that Christ is with us makes all the difference.


Thursday, November 15

Faith Works Wonders

Since I've revived my blog a few days ago, I might as well take the chance to keep it running while I am still in the moment. lol. And last night, while having a household (for those who aren't familiar, it's sort of like a support group), our topic was about next year's theme of our community as well as the Church, towards the year of faith.

While our head was talking about it  and concluding the discussion, it suddenly came into my head that this is something worth writing about. Not just because of it being the theme and all nor because it was a good discussion last night. It was because God made me view it in a different way. Well, it's still the same but in a different context of how it is explained and what it means, for me.

So, Faith. Works. Wonders. Three words with big meanings behind all of it. But I'll just share what it meant to me when I came to hear it last night.

It's our belief in God. It's what we hold on to when things get tough. Hearing it last night, faith, for me, is the beginning of God's mighty love for us that will transform us and our lives will never be the same again. It's surrendering everything to Him - all the happiness, pain, dreams and desires - our whole life in general. Once we surrender it all, and let our faith guide us in our journey, the next word is about to begin.

It means actions. It's easy to have faith and to surrender it all. But actually doing it? Think again. Walking the talk is as hard as it is to control your craving when you're in a diet. lol. But really, it's hard to live a righteous life following His and proclaim and testify one's faith to everyone. Especially in this day and age where secularism and liberalism is widely promoted. Having to stand for one's faith is a life-long battle against oneself and the evil one who tempts you with all the earthly desires and possessions. So following your faith and doing His work in our lives, and to others as well, really means a lot and is really something to show how to fully surrender everything to Him.

To put it simply, it's seeing God's blessings in our lives, no matter how big or small. How He blesses us so much with His love by giving us something to appreciate the life He gave to us. From little things to enjoy to the miracles He shows us is truly worth all the hardships that we have to face. All that we need is to surrender it to Him.

See what I'm trying to say? Well, here's a simple equation to summarize my complicated thoughts:
Hope reading this helps you to appreciate your faith (or at least understand mine) in Him and see how truly blessed you are. :)

Monday, November 12

No other life like this.

Has it happened to you that moment where you suddenly realized something and everything made sense? Where you suddenly had that "Eureka!" moment and felt like you've solve the world's hunger problem? Have you ever thought that it was God who talked to you and put that information in your head at that perfect time? Spiritual matters or not? That it was Him who gave you that wisdom you never had before.

I did. And I never did expect that He will be talking to me in such a special way - right in front of me, face to face.

Okay, not literally, but figuratively and spiritually speaking, it was Him. I know it is.

Flashback to how I was before the Youthfest started (and ended), for the past few months, I've struggled with my spiritual growth - or lack of, I say. It's been really stressful with how busy I am at my workplace, how everything just kept piling and piling up. Work, family, service, social life, hobbies and sleep, there wasn't enough time for me to really have a talk with Him. Even my prayer time was screwed. I know it's such a cliche excuse to be busy, when I've got the time to do other things. But it's also because I didn't even took an effort into doing it. I chose to stay away from Him feeling ashamed that I have not been a good servant and even start to question and doubt my principles yet again.

Like what usually happens, heavy feelings are placed in me whenever a big community event is coming up. Tasks became obligations and obligations became a burden. It kept piling up until I can no longer handle the stress and the pressure and all I can do is sulk by myself thinking no one can help me. I started questioning what's the point of all these things that I'm doing. That why must I stress myself about it? Why can't I just leave it be? More and more reasons came to my mind that makes me want to run far away and forget everything. Even my dream that I realized was one of His dreams for me too became an escape. I treated it like I deserve it thus it must happen and it must go according to my plan. I was so absorbed into all the drama in my life that I forgot He existed. That He has the control over my life. That I needed Him to straighten out my problems. That only He can change my life.

With all these things going on inside my head, I thought yesterday was just an ordinary day for me. Yes it was the Youthfest but I was more eager for it to be done and over and get some rest. It had been a tiring day, doing all the tasks assigned to me, being busy going around etc. I wasn't interested in the whole thing.

But it did change me when I felt Him trying to talk to me. Trying to work it out against my brain and my rationality. While listening to the sessions and watching the performances, I knew deep down that all of it struck me. Some-if not most- are happening in my life right there and then. I knew that it was wrong and I knew that I have to change. I want to change. But there was this battle over my head just like in TV where there's an angel (or probably my consciousness) telling me to do the right thing and then there's this evil thing (I don't wanna say the "D" word because I feel it's too evil of a word lol) giving me questions to doubt like why change when you'll be back in the same spot a few months later? It's such a stressful argument and I don't know who to give the score to.

When I know that the latter was winning, since I know my heart wasn't even at the right posture for the occasion, it was where He proved to me that He will still fight for me and that He will never let go. That was when it was time for the exposition of the Holy Eucharist. Like the previous events, I know that it is a very important moment and that there will be a segment where the leaders will be going up on stage to have the privilege of being near Him. But I never knew that I, too, will be part of it. And just like before, I questioned if I should go up, if I even deserve to go up because there are others who are far more deserving, I'm sure. But since we must, I walked up and find my spot.

Right there and then I realized that He indeed was talking to me.

At that moment, He told me that "no matter if you do not forgive yourself for sinning, remember that I have already forgiven you. I have and always will be here for you. Never turn away because of your mistakes, be brave and learn from it. Let Me be your strength in times of pain and hardships. Hold on to Me as I hold on to you. Never forget that I love you the most." It may not be the exact words He did say to me but the point is, He is right there and after so many days and weeks of not hearing Him, He was there. It was so clear that it made me cry my heart out for Him. To say that I am really grateful for His mercy. And that I shall continue to strive hard to become who He wants me to be. Someone He will be proud of, or rather, I will be proud of to say that it was Him behind all of me. And that no matter what happens, even when I fall down and sin once again, I know that it will not matter because He will always be there for me to help me be better, to mold me to His own likeness, to use me to according to His will, to use my mistakes and lessons as an inspiration for others to know Him more, and to make me as a testimony of His great love for us.

Needless to say, I was brought back up by His love after that and He ended my day in a good way. I know that I am far from being healed and being who He wants me to be. I know there will be more challenges coming and I know that I will make mistakes and sin over and over, but I will strive to change and live out like Jesus Christ did, and eventually, share Christ's life and how He can change other people's lives like He did mine.


Friday, November 2

22 at 2012

So another year is about to pass and people are even saying the world will end just like those in the movies. It sounds ridiculous and I don't believe it. But if it does, I won't let it end without me having my birthday first. lol. Going for my 5th year of writing my wishlist this time (can't believe my blog's that old already and I haven't written that much. haha), turning 22 means I get to wish for 22 things. Just my own opinion though. Oh well, wishing Santa or someone else grants at least one. :)

1. 2013 Planner - Already looking for one as early as October but I couldn't find one as unique as my planner this year, thanks to my friends. lol. I'm getting CBTL's planner c/o  my friend Gam who's been collecting stickers for me. YAY!

2. A new Blackberry or iPhone - I wouldn't wish to change my phone but since it's been giving up on me, I think it's time to let it go after two years. :( Now switching to team iPhone! So very thankful for my dad to get me one, even if it's just a 4s. :)

3. External Hard Drive - Unfortunately, my new 1TB EHD broke while we were using it in the office. Lesson learned: never take it out from the house, ever. haha. I finally asked my dad to buy me one since I need to get my files in the office before they delete it. Have to pay him back though. *sigh*

4. Urbanears Plattan Headphones - Ever since I saw my cousin's pink one, I knew I had to have one. I'm not usually particular with having earphones or headphones, but this one is definitely a must have. I'd like the color berry or ocean, but I'm digging the denim so bad. lol

5. iPad Hard case - Our (my) iPad needs protection that's really tough. Already broke the smart case so yeah. But I want it to be cute too. Was able to buy a cute envelope case for it during my birthday which I thought would be my parents' gift. But I had to buy it myself instead. #FAIL 

 6. Camera Lens - A wish that I never get to prioritize, but I'd like to have one at least for my AE-1. Her lens now is just to big. haha. Oh and I need to have it fixed as well. :(

7. Camera Bag - Bringing my camera is such a hassle for me. I don't like to bring another bag for it to keep it but I don't like to keep it unprotected. So might as well bring a bag that's something cute. If not, a pouch will do so I can put it in my bag. haha.

8. Fujifilm Instax mini films - I recently bought an instax mini camera and it's really cute and awesome with how the photos look instantly nostalgic after taking it. One have a few films left of it and I wanted to have more memories taken with it. Those cute frames are cool too! :)

9. Fashion books - I'm starting to collect more of them now and I want to learn as much as I can if I wanted to continue pursuing this industry and try to make a career. It's quite expensive though. :( Special thanks to kuya Kevin who bought it for me as his exchange gift. hehe.

10. Black Leather Jacket - Just wanted one even if I know I wouldn't be able to wear it that much  being our country is always so sunny and hot. 


11. Dr. Martens Black Boots - Wanted to have a legit pair of boots for the same reason above. haha. And yeah, rocker/ biker chick is my kind of style. But not always. ;) Reserved a pair and I got it at 50% off! Legit boots for 2013! :))

12. Black Loafers - One I already got but it is part of my wish list so I'm still listing it down. :)

13. Gold Watch - Never had a gold one and I really find it elegant and sophisticated even if that's the only jewelry you're wearing.

14. Jewelry Box/ Organizer - I don't have that much of accessories, but mine is enough to make our dresser full. I did made some improvising to keep it together but I still need something to put everything in. Got one during our office Christmas party. Thank you, Lyza!

15. Orly Black Matte Nail Polish - I wanted to try those matte nail polish and black seems like a good color to try it out. :)

16. Pilot G-Tech C3 Black - Got 3 of it last year and guess what, I lost all of it. I'm such a klutz. And most likely I'll get one of this again since it's the only cheap thing in my list. lol.

17. Minionssss - I can't get enough of 'em! Seeing one will always make my day. They're my favorite cartoon (are they considered one? lol) characters. EVER. These cupcakes are one of the cutest. But it's too cute to eat. haha. Got a knitted keychain minion as a gift from a friend who makes me minion cut outs! :)

18. Getting a birthday greeting from Ian Somerhalder - Okay, I know this will never happen in my lifetime, well, for 3 years already. But hey, a girl can still dream right? :))

So this is the part where I start wishing for places to go to. I'm listing these down for myself. To keep it as a goal to reach by next year. But of course, you can help me make it happen. :)

19. Beach trip - Never been in one for over a year. And I miss the feeling of sand in my feet and watching the sun rise and set is just so romantic. #kbye

20. Go back to Bangkok - I wanted to visit my friends over there and really immerse myself with their culture. There won't be any shopping this time. Or maybe just a little bit. :P

21. 2013 World Youth Day in Brazil - So this one is a bit hard to accomplish and a lot more expensive. Well, if it's His will for me to go, then it will happen. :) Okay, I may not be able to get this but what I got is waaay better! Scroll down to find out!

And last but not the least...

22. A plane ticket to New York City - Never mind everything I wrote above, this is what I really want. I don't want it to be just a dream, thus wishing for a plane ticket seems much more concrete. And I'll see to it that it will happen. Help me make this come true, please?  :) It's finally coming trueeee! My dad got me a ticket back to New York! And I'm gonna be staying there for quite a while! Yes! I can't believe it! I'm beyond blessed! :)

In the end, it's all just wishes that I hope to come true. But what will matter more are those who will make it real for me. :)


Tuesday, July 10


I can't believe I got featured in a newspaper twice in just a week! It's so amazing and funny at the same time.  I don't know why I find it funny though. Now I know how celebrities feel when their in the paper. LOL.

Anyway, the first one was on Manila Bulletin last June 29, 2012. My work which I styled with my partner, Kerstie, during our Fashion Styling workshop with Eric Poliquit at Raffles Design Institute Manila got featured for a press release for the said school. It was one of the looks we did for our last shoot which was an editorial. Sadly, I didn't get credited for it. It's ironic though that one of the most important thing I learned during that workshop was to never forget to give credit to those who deserve it. Oh well, I guess it's part of the experience.

Next up, I got featured (Well, at least my back did. And now I know why I find it funny. HAHA) in Philippine Star last Friday, July 6, 2012 together and shaking hands with top fashion blogger and stylist, Ms. Tricia Gosingtian for SM Mall of Asia's End of Season Sale campaign. Meeting her was so awesome. She was so nice and friendly to me. She even featured our store in her blog. Do check it out! I still can't believe that my arms are in the photo. I wish they could have chosen a photo with my face being seen, at least. HAHA! It was such a nice experience all in all. :)

Although I wasn't acknowledged in both feature, I know truthfully that it was me and my work that's in it so it's all good. :)

Wednesday, March 28

Headpiece Challenge Teaser

Here's a teaser for our 3rd shoot's challenge: Head piece!

For our 3rd shoot last Saturday, we did a menswear shoot with a trend of our choice and made two looks for it. Not knowing what the challenge was, we thought it might be sort of similar with our last challenge which was editing. But instead, we were surprised to find out that we need not create another look, but a headpiece for a portrait shot. It's been really a panic-filled day since I had no idea where I will be getting a unique headpiece with just having brought a few clothes for guys. Fortunately, I was able to think of an inspiration and got a tool skirt and used it as a headpiece and made it like those of the native American Indians. I was able to breathe after doing it and it was kind of fun, panicking like that. LOL.

A film by Enzo Mondejar
Hair and Grooming by Krista Silva
Headpiece c/o The Vaintage Shoppe

The Hunger Games

Disclaimer: I'm writing this not because it's so popular and all but because I want to just share some of my views about the book that made an impact almost as huge as the Harry Potter series. Sorry if there will be spoilers from the movie as well.

I've known the book for a long time and reading it was amazing. From the beginning to the very end of it. Everything was mind-blowing and you will really see that it was written perfectly and strategically. And based from all the promotions since announcing of a movie being produced for the book made an incredible hype and sensation to every fan. From slowly disclosing who the characters will be to its red carpet premiere, everyone is so excited and awaits for it to come to the big screen.

Personally, from knowing who the actors and actresses are, I was already not convinced of the selection since I have some others in mind. I imagined Britt Robertson (The Secret Circle, Life Unexpected) to play as Katniss, if only she was taller; Alex Pettyfer as Peeta and I can see Josh Hutcherson as Gale. But who am I to judge?

Jennifer Lawrence did justify her being chosen as the heroine. However, the chemistry between her and Josh Hutcherson did not fully present how intense it is as in the movies. I guess it is because they are trying hard to make it rate to PG-13. Still, there isn't much sweetness going on.

Here comes the spoilers!

It's disappointing to know that of all the few stories they had to remove from the book, they removed the scene where it was Madge who gave Katniss the pin. Even Madge was ruled out of the picture (Guess that means their small part in Mockingjay will be gone too). She only found it and got it from the Hob where it was given to her for free. The pin's symbolism totally lost its essence and made it look cheap and not unique.

Another one would be the special moment between Katniss and Peeta during the games. I really couldn't see that hot and amazing chemistry between those two as I did in reading the book. They even cut the part wherein Peeta bathe in the river. I was even excited for that. LOL. And the scene inside the shelter? I felt they fast-forward it and not really gave that much awe.

On a positive note, I enjoyed the comedy stints they've put in the movie. Although it was really subtle, it's a hit with everyone since a story as serious as that needed it. Cinna's creations were executed perfectly and even better than what I expected it. Well, it's hard to even imagine such technology to be even put to an outfit in this lifetime. But who knows, they might be able to create it in just a year or two. Fashion is fashion.

Cinematography-wise, I have no objections. Lionsgate makes awesome movies way back as far as I can remember. I just wished they filmed the fight scenes as violent and as gruesome as the book. But then again, they wanted it to be a PG-13 movie. I do hope they release an unrated/uncut version in DVD. I'd definitely buy those!

All in all, I give The Hunger Games a ★★★★. Can't wait to see Catching Fire in November 2013!

For those who haven't watched it here's a trailer. :)

The Hunger Games Trailer

Tuesday, March 27

Another Challenge!

Got the official photos of our second challenge already but been busy to post it. The first look's photo will be given after the workshop. Can't wait to see those too!

Like what I said in my earlier post, our second shoot will be a trend of our own. And the second challenge will be to only have a certain number of pieces in our second look. Upon seeing the photos, I wasn't that pleased with what I've done and I know I could do better. Still, I know I could still learn and this is just part of the experience.

Special thanks to:

Inez Amante of The Socialite for letting me borrow amazing pairs of shoes again, and even her personal stuff too!

Cheenee Delos Reyes of Annaccessories for creating another set of amazing necklace!

And lastly, to Ms. Jen of The Posh Wardrobe. :D

Again, here's our team's set for the challenge. For individual shots, you may visit our mentor, Eric Poliquit’s blog: www.folioofastylist.blogspot.com

Wednesday, March 21

Crazy tangerine

So, for our second shoot last Saturday, we are given the freedom of choosing whatever trend we want. I chose to try color blocking since I noticed that a lot of new colors are popular this season. I matched tangerine or orange and blue. Yes, I know that it's been done before but it really suits the season and brights are so in this year.

Also, it's a big step for me to actually be able to pull out items from an actual shop! I managed to borrow an item at The Posh Wardrobe in Rockwell. I was supposed to get another one from a designer but due to lack of time (since I do have a daytime job) I have to drop it and think of a different look.

For my first look, I matched a blue bandeau with a pumpkin-colored maxi skirt from The Posh Wardrobe paired with a blue wedge from The Socialite. Sorry I forgot to take a photo, again!

For this week's challenge, we drew lots and in it was a number. We had no idea what it meant and Eric didn't explain it after we're done with our first look and right before we shot our second. Since the challenge was about editing, he let us fix our second look, then he explained that the number we picked is the number of pieces that we can only use for the second look. Good thing I picked 6! Aside from the corset, the skirt and the shoes, I managed to save 2 accessories and the hat. Oh boy, was I shocked about it. I thought that we only have to remove 6 pieces not leave them. But, it still ended well. :)

Totally feeling it as a stylist. HAHA

Special thanks to:

Inez Amante of The Socialite for letting me borrow amazing pairs of shoes again, and even her personal stuff too!

Cheenee Delos Reyes of Annaccessories for creating another set of amazing necklace!

And lastly, to Ms. Jen of The Posh Wardrobe for being my first store pullout! :D

Thursday, March 15

Extra challenge!

Finally! Our mentors released the photos from our last week's shoot already. Though it's only from our extra challenge. The real themed shots will be given at the end of the workshop. Still, seeing this photo makes me so incredibly happy. My first shot as a stylist and it looked so beautiful. I'm super happy and proud of how everything turned out. I mean it looked so good that it could even pass for a magazine's page (that might be an exaggeration, but heck, I felt it was really like one)!

This was done under time pressure with only 5 minutes to change from the given theme and create a different look using some fabrics and accessories given inside the studio. I made it into a jumpsuit which I felt was the best style for the model and the shoes. I chose the brown fabric to retain my theme from the first look which is metallic.

Many thanks to:

Inez Amante of The Socialite for lending me, a random girl who just asked out of nowhere, your amazing pair of shoes. I really love it! I want a pair of those but I don't know where should I wear them. :P

Cheenee Delos Reyes of Annaccessories for making that necklace especially for the shoot. Also for the other accessories you will be lending me in the future. :D

Here's my batchmates' works as well. :)

We're awesome, right? :)
For individual shots, you may visit our mentor, Eric Poliquit's blog: www.folioofastylist.blogspot.com

Sunday, March 11

Gratifying Gold

So like I shared last week, I enrolled in a fashion styling workshop in Raffles Design. And, today was our very first photo shoot. It's really such a nerve-racking but fun experience. First off, we were given each a theme to base our looks from and I got the theme metallic. Since last week, I was really freaked out about how I will be able to pull of the look that I wanted considering the resources that I have. I'm lucky enough to be able to get an amazing shoes by The Socialite. Really lucky that it's the same size as my model's. And it's my key piece as well.

Customized shoes by The Socialite
I was so frustrated to not be able to achieve the vision that I have for the theme. I was going for a structured shoulder piece but I couldn't find any nor can I make it since I don't have the luxury of time. So, with no other options, I decided I'll match it with a gold dress.

BUT, I guess the heavens are on my side and wanted me to do well. This morning, while I was eating breakfast, I saw this shining gold cloth wrapped around the statue of St. Peter in the stairs (yes, we have a statue of him, a mid-size one, and it's in the stairs) and suddenly thought of a look that will make my look so perfect. Thank you, St. Peter! So, I took it off of the statue and brought it along with me.  And I was so happy that I was able to pull everything bit by bit and even though my model was young, she managed to make the look amazing and just so beautiful. I was even concerned since she has to be half-naked for my look. But she really pulled it off.

A little too daring, yeah? :P
I made it into a slit top with a skirt, and then just added some accessories. Then the amazing shoes.

After getting an inspiration and idea for my look, I thought hell was over and I'm in heaven. Oh but no! Eric, our mentor, said that there will be a twist to be explained when it's our turn at the studio. When my turn came, he explained that we have to choose for certain fabrics and accessories given in there and create another look. We only have a total of 25 minutes to do everything. The pressure was so intense! We weren't able to get a close-up shot of my original look even. But everything was good.

For the challenge, I took out a brown fabric and made it into a jumpsuit and just switch some accessories. It went well with the shoes as well. (Sorry no photo!)

All in all, it was a very fun experience and I learned a lot. Especially the most important lesson for me: Not everything will go well according to your plans. Lesson learned. I managed to  escape this barely. Next time, it might be difficult. But I'm still excited to see what's going to happen in the coming weeks. :)

For next week, we can choose which trend to follow and make 2 looks. Suggestions, anyone? :)

Friday, March 9


So, just when summer starts this month I really just had to get sick. Damn. The other day, I started to notice that I can't swallow properly, like my throat's so dry and it's tough for food to go down smoothly. Then after a few hours, there it is. My throat became so and it hurts to even drink. I wasn't able to take meds because we didn't have one in the house.

Sunday, March 4

Of passion and frustrations

So, these past few days, I've been so busy with work and everything keeps piling up to the point that I need to just drop everything and let go. Well, I actually didn't because that would be like running away from everything just because things are difficult. So, instead, I decided to go and do something for myself.

I saw this online a month ago and I'm really interested to join that I already called up the school and asked about the details. It's what I've been aspiring to try ever since I became interested in the fashion industry. Luckily, it's at a very reasonable price. I was eager to sign up before but then, I decided not to pursue it due to some reasons such as my family (who I know wouldn't understand the point of it) and my friends (who already set a date for our weekend trip within the duration of the workshop). So I forgot all about it.

Until this Monday, when I really can't take everything any really wanted to runaway but I can't, I saw this yet again and then just took a big leap and randomly enrolled. Since I found out I can't go with my friends, and I know that my parents will understand sooner or later, I called up and asked if there are still available slots, and yes they did!

The workshop started yesterday with the session being a lecture, we were only about 10 people. Eric discussed the basics about styling, how to do pull outs, color blockings, sourcing clothes, etc. I realized, I already have a lot of knowledge about most of the how-to's and the business side of it because of my educational background and also because of the line of work I'm doing right now which made me really grateful.

I was really excited and nervous at the same time when he explained the project we will be doing for next week: a photo shoot! We drew lots and whatever theme/trend you pick will be the main focus of your photo shoot. I got metallic. I was so shocked and scared how the heck will I be able to pull it off. Given the fact that we have to provide our own clothes and accessories. HOW THE HELL WILL I BE ABLE TO PULL IT OFF!?

We had one-on-one with the photographer so that he'll have an idea of what we will be doing and how he will be doing the shots. When it was my turn, I only thought of my theme right there and then. It's going to be avant garde and high fashion. Again, how the hell will I be able to pull it off?

I started thinking of how I will get the fabrics and the shoes and the accessories. And right now, I still don't have any clue.I thought this will take my mind off of my work and frustrations but oh-boy, I added one more in my what-stresses-me list. Oh well, I still have 5 days to worry about it. Good luck to me!

Wednesday, February 22

Mom's 50th


Woke up so early to prepare these 50 post-its and stuck them around the house as a surprise for her 50th birthday today. From compliments to saying sorry to all our wishes. Gosh, it's hard to think of 50 things to say. Haha.

Happy birthday, Ma! I love you! :*

Saturday, February 11


Sometimes, there's really that moment when you do nothing but think off everything that makes you wanna break  down and cry. Just to release all the pain that's been kept inside.


In solidarity creeps in all the thoughts buried deep in our hearts and minds, waiting for us to be alone and gives us pain of all kinds.

Contest Hustlers?

Sometimes people join contests or raffles in the hope of winning amazing prizes. But most often than not, they wouldn't make it a big issue nor depend on it since the common thinking of everyone else would be that the odds wouldn't be in their favor. Yes, winning contests especially with a huge prize or reward is very enticing to the public. And the more people will join, the less chances of you getting the prize. It does feel awesome to win something right? It makes one feel special, feel that luck was on their side, that among everyone else, you won. You beat the odds. Those kind of stuff are good occasionally. But what about those who make a living, or not really a living but live-off joining contests and giveaways here and there and getting stuff for free?

Friday, February 10

The Farm v3 now open!

The Farm v3 now open!

The best music on the planet 99.5RT is again opening the doors to the world of radio. If you're a college student looking for something to do this summer, or those who are just bored and likes music, then join the Farm!