I tolerate curiosity

Monday, December 31

2012: Beyond Blessed

So, It's gonna be 2013 in just less than 4 hours. Well, at least in our timezone it is. And looking back through what my year has been, there's only one word that best describes it - STRESSFUL. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that this has been a bad year, it's just that this has been quite a year. I felt that I've face the most challenges and have been pushed to my limit so many times this past year. I remember the times I kept saying I couldn't go on, I don't want to or I'm just tired of everything. (Btw, I'm sorry if I complained or ranted to you whenever I get worked up about something.We need to let off some steam sometimes, right? lol.) However, despite this year being so stressful, I felt that I've grown more this year than in any other years of my life combined. Or hey, maybe that's just because I grew older. Haha. Seriously, through all those challenges and tough times that I had to face, I know I learned at least one or two that made me stronger and wiser. I guess experience really is the best teacher. With all the ups and downs that I've encountered, this has been one crazy year that I am very thankful for. I have met new people, been to new places, had a lot of new experiences, and gained so many memories that I can always look back as a reminder of how this year, my life has changed and will never be the same again. And I owe it all to Him. His plans are way better than ours and everything happens in His perfect time. I am beyond blessed.

Just so you know, I had some good times too - a lot of it. And I just want to share it to everyone and let you know that I am very much thankful for being part of my 2012. So, here's a little something I patched up that contains some of the best moments I had the past year. Looking forward to more adventures this 2013 and hoping you'll still be part of it! :)

Happy New Year! :)


Tuesday, December 25

Merry Christmas!

It's really the most wonderful time of the year. Aside from all the presents, the food and the festivities for the occassion, let us not forget the real reason of this season - the birth of Jesus Christ.

Before the clock struck twelve, me and my family attended the Christmas Eve mass or the Misa de Gallo. And the homily of the priest was quite enlightening. You know the story of how Jesus was born. I'm sure you've heard it a thousand times or else you wouldn't be celebrating today. But what the priest explained in his homily was something I've never heard before nor realized until last night.

He explained that Jesus being born in a manger is not just any coincidence. Aside from it (the situation) being related to the humility of our King, the priest explained that what it meant for Jesus to be born in a manger. As a manger is a part of a barn where the horses and the cattle eat, when Mary gave birth, the manger now symbolizes that Jesus was the food for our soul, our spirituality. Just as the animals go and eat the food in the manger when they are hungry, we, too, shall come to Jesus when we thirst for love. It should come naturally that we go to Him in times of need, when we do not have enough strength to overcome any difficult situations, when we feel isolated and alone, when we don't believe we are good enough, in times of despair and suffering, it is always been our nature to come back to Him to give us all that we need - His love. And through Him we can do anything.

Amazing just how one night could really make us forget every problems we have and just feel His spirit and presence on the night His child was born. Let us celebrate this occasion thanking our mighty Creator for bringing us His beloved son, Jesus, through the Blessed Virgin Mary, and giving us his salvation. Without them, we wouldn't be celebrating anything today.

Have a very merry Christmas! Happy birthday, Jesus!


Wednesday, December 5

Birthday weekend!

It's been quite a while since I've manage to be consistent with my blog. But it feels great to be able to write off my thoughts again. And like what they say, all blessings are to be shared. So I've been writing down my insights and realizations whenever and I felt good after writing it. It releases some of the emotions I'm currently having. Thankfully, it's mostly good vibes and some blessings that I've experienced. Unlike when I was younger where all I wrote was sad and emo quotes and depressing stuff. LOL to my emo phase. Haha. Now I've found something worth posting. And I hope this can help other people feel inspired or feel motivated. It's one of the things that I wanted my blog to be. And hopefully, it will help you with your relationship with Him too. It might be too "religious" or "spiritual" but I'll try to post something else that's worthy of my cyber space.

So to start it off, let me share what happened to my weekend - My Birthday Weekend. :))

Since it was a holiday last Friday, I started my birthday weekend early and celebrated it with some friends from the campus team of CFC YFL. Treated them at Yellow Cab for dinner, then we watched the movie Pay It Forward, then hung out at CBTL until 3 in the morning. It was way late but hey, it's my birthday weekend! lol.

Then to make it up to my parents, I stayed home last Friday and cleaned up my room. As I was cleaning our shelves, I noticed all the old magazines, books and other stuffs from way back, some are even more than 10 years old! :)) I'm still thinking of whether I shall throw away, donate or sell my old books and magazines. Help me decide, please? :)


Since I had work last Saturday til lunch, I celebrated with my Clingy Clique at Sunrise Buckets. One thing we do for fun: EATING. We exterminated 5 pounds of chicken, some burgers, nachos and fries. And my money, boom! :)) After that we went to Eastwood supposedly to watch Silent Hill, however, knowing what's more fun, we ate once again. Allen had unli cakes and coffee even! Then we went to our friend Josh's birthday bash and guess what, we ate another plate and now with lechon! Wild!

Then last Sunday, there was this big mass at church where my parents were wearing costumes. We ate at the mini celebration afterwards where we got another round of lechon and other stuff. We went to Greenhills to shop for a bit, then had dinner and bought me a cake - could not not have one! And I chose one of my favorites, Conti's Mango Bravo. YUM! Then they dropped me off the salon for a birthday treat. Had a free hair spa and a mani-pedi for free! It's a bit weird to see my hair straightened too. Haha.

On Monday, since we don't have much time, my workmates and I settled for a quick lunch at Mega. Then came back to work right away.

It was indeed a fun weekend and turning 22 doesn't seem so bad, except with all the eating. LOL. So here's to hoping it will be good all throughout. :)
